Why Are Listening and Speaking Skills Important in Oral Communication
In this globalization era, there have been drastic changes taking place all over the world. These tremendous vicissitudes occur when people have a strong desire to achieve something. People's desires are fulfilled when they clearly express their ideas and opinions with others. Thus, they need to learn communication skills in order to fulfill their ambitions, desires, and goals. In this modern world, communication skills play a vital role and one must have mastery over these skills to get success in their respective fields. So, speaking is the most important skill among all the four language skills in order to communicate well in this global world. As English is widely used all over the world, there is a need for learners to acquire the communication skills of it to get success in their respective fields. Thus, the classroom is the ideal platform to acquire good communication skills, especially, speaking skills. The teachers have to understand the problems of the ELLs (English language learners) and try to implement various teaching strategies in their classrooms in order to develop their learners' speaking skills in English classrooms. This is possible for the teachers when they change their methods and materials and by using the latest techniques of teaching speaking skills. Therefore, the teachers should introduce some group and pair activities in their regular English classrooms that the ELLs can develop their speaking skills enormously. This paper sheds light on the importance of speaking skills in English classrooms. First of all, this paper discloses the significance of the basic language skills of English. Later, this paper also explains the importance of speaking skills in English classrooms in a comprehensive way. It also explains the need to teach speaking skills. Then the kinds of speaking situations and the main advantages of speaking skills are explained elaborately. Furthermore, this paper also supplies several techniques to develop speaking skills among the EFL/ESL learners in the English classrooms. Finally, this paper suggests some useful tips for the teachers to introduce various activities that involve the ELLs more on practicing their speaking skills in English classrooms. Moreover, it also suggests the ELLs improve their speaking skills as these are very useful for them to build their future career in a perfect way.

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 6
Lecturer in English,
English Language Centre, King Faisal University,
Al-Hasa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
In this globalization era, there have been drastic changes
taking place all over the world. These tremendous vicissitudes
occur when people have a strong desire to achieve something.
People's desires are fulfilled when they clearly express their
ideas and opinions with others. Thus, they need to learn
communication skills in order to fulfill their ambitions, desires, and goals. In this modern
world, communication skills play a vital role and one must have mastery over these skills to
get success in their respective fields. So, speaking is the most important skill among all the
four language skills in order to communicate well in this global world. As English is widely
used all over the world, there is a need for learners to acquire the communication skills of it
to get success in their respective fields. Thus, the classroom is the ideal platform to acquire
good communication skills, especially, speaking skills. The teachers have to understand the
problems of the ELLs (English language learners) and try to implement various teaching
strategies in their classrooms in order to develop their learners' speaking skills in English
classrooms. This is possible for the teachers when they change their methods and materials
and by using the latest techniques of teaching speaking skills. Therefore, the teachers should
introduce some group and pair activities in their regular English classrooms that the ELLs can
develop their speaking skills enormously.This paper sheds light on the importance of
speaking skills in English classrooms. First of all, this paper discloses the significance of the
basic language skills of English. Later, this paper also explains the importance of speaking
skills in English classrooms in a comprehensive way. It also explains the need to teach
speaking skills. Then the kinds of speaking situations and the main advantages of speaking
skills are explained elaborately. Furthermore, this paper also supplies several techniques to
develop speaking skills among the EFL/ESL learners in the English classrooms. Finally, this
paper suggests some useful tips for the teachers to introduce various activities that involve the
ELLs more on practicing their speaking skills in English classrooms. Moreover, it also
suggests the ELLs improve their speaking skills as these are very useful for them to build
their future career in a perfect way.
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 7
Keywords: activities; communication; English classrooms; ELLs; speaking skills; strategies.
The Importance of the English Language
In these modern days, the whole world has become a global village and people
communicate with each other in a common language, i.e. English. The English language is
spoken all over the world and it has attained the status of the global language. English is the
language widely used in the field of scientific research, education, business, the internet,
travel and tourism, media and newspapers, software, medicine, engineering, information and
technology, entertainment, banking and so on. English is the language that is used mostly for
business correspondence and internet purposes. It is the only major language used in writing
scientific research articles as more than 85% of the research publications are in English. It is
the international language used for trade and commerce. Even in the IT field also, most of the
programmes are written in English and even they communicate with their colleagues or other
software professionals those who work around the world in English. Furthermore, most of the
books related to higher education are published in English. Due to several advantages of
English, many people are learning the English language to attain fruitful results in their
respective fields.
The Basic Language Skills of English
As English serves the purpose of international communication, most of the foreign
language learners try to learn it. In this process, they have to acquire all the four basic skills
of the language, viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading are
passive skills or receptive skills, whereas, speaking and writing are active skills or productive
Fig: The Basic Language Skills of English
Active or Productive Skills
Speaking Writing
Passive or Receptive Skills
Listening Reading
Language Skills
Passive or Receptive Active or Productive
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 8
Listening and reading are considered to be passive or receptive skills as the learners
do not show their talent in exhibiting these skills. They just listen to the language or read it
without producing anything. Whereas, the learners have to produce sentences on their own
and they need a lot of practice and learn many things related to grammar, vocabulary,
sentence structure and usage. Therefore, speaking and writing are considered to be active or
productive skills.
The Importance of Speaking Skills
In the present global world, communication plays a vital role in getting success in all
fields. Language is used as a tool for communication. Perfect communication is not possible
for people without using a language. Moreover, people cannot achieve their aims, objectives,
and goals without using proper language to communicate. Therefore, there is a need for a
language to communicate with others those who live all around the globe. As English is
considered the international language and it is spoken all over the world, it serves the purpose
of communicating with the people who live in different regions, states, countries, and
continents of the world.
Speaking skill is the most important skill to acquire foreign or second language
learning. Among the four key language skills, speaking is deemed to be the most important
skill in learning a foreign or second language. Brown and Yuke (1983) say, "Speaking is the
skill that the students will be judged upon most in real life situations". Regardless of its
importance, teaching speaking skills have been undervalued and most of the EFL/ESL
teachers have been continuing their teaching of speaking skills just as memorization of
dialogues or repetition of drills. Nevertheless, the modern world demands for the requirement
of communication skills for the learners and the English teachers have to teach the ELLs the
needed skills so that they will improve their abilities in speaking and perform well in real-life
situations. In the present EFL/ESL teaching environment, oral skills are completely neglected
whereas employability depends more on communication than technology. As very less
priority has been given to the important elements of language such as phonological,
morphological, semantic and syntactic aspects, it has become a major impediment for the
ELLs to acquire the speaking skills among the learners of English. So far, more concentration
has been given to reading and writing skills. After realizing the importance of oral
communication skills, more emphasis is now laid on developing the speaking skills of the
learners to pursue their studies successfully and excel in their fields once they finish their
education. Moreover, English is the language of getting opportunities for employment and
getting success to achieve the desired goals in life.
According to Bueno, Madrid, and Mclaren (2006: 321), "Speaking is one of the most
difficult skills language learners have to face. Speaking is considered the most important of
the four language skills of English. Even the learners learn the language for so many years;
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 9
they find it difficult to speak in real time situations when it is demanded. There are many
reasons to overcome this. First of all, the ELLs should understand the importance of speaking
skills and try to acquire them as they need them to compete in this competitive world.
Among the four basic skills of the English language, speaking seems to be difficult
because the speakers have to produce sentences on the spur of the moment. It is quite difficult
for foreign or second language learners to produce sentences without learning the
grammatical structures and having proper knowledge of adequate vocabulary. Therefore, the
English language learners of EFL/ESL face many problems in speaking grammatical
sentences in English. Since speaking skills play a dominant role in communication, people try
to learn these skills in order to communicate well with the entire community all around the
Moreover, these speaking skills are also useful for learners when they have to settle
down well in their professions. In the modern world, it has become quite common to prove
the candidates' talents at the time of their job interviews and many of the selections are based
on the performance of the interview. The job aspirants have to participate and prove
themselves in debates and group discussions where the performance or oral communication
skills of the candidates are primarily measured. Besides, the professionals have to give oral
presentations as they have to promote the products or their companies or give training to the
other colleagues. Furthermore, an effective speaker can inspire the audience a lot and gain the
complete attention of the audience and maintain the same tempo until the end of his/her
speech. So the audience involves completely in the speaker's speech and they sometimes
forget the real world and put their complete concentration on the speech. So, speaking skills
play a vital role as everything depends on the way how people communicate their messages
with others.
Fig: The Importance of Speaking Skills
Speaking skills are the most essential skills for all the learners who wish to learn
English to enhance their career, improve business, build confidence levels, get better job
opportunities, make public speeches, attend interviews, participate in debates and group
ews Debat
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 10
discussions, give presentations and so on. In the present modern world, everything is linked
with speaking skills. One who has good talent in speaking can conquer the whole world.
Having good communication is the passport to get better employment opportunities. In the
modern interviews, the real talent of the job aspirants is tested through their performance in
group discussions, debates, presentation skills and so on. Therefore, job seekers have to
acquire good oral communication skills in order to grab better opportunities. Once the
learners practice these speaking skills in their EFL/ESL classrooms, they get the mastery of
these skills and perform well in the activities in and outside their classrooms. Let us discuss
the purpose of teaching speaking skills in English classrooms.
Why are Speaking Skills taught in English classrooms?
In this global world, there is a need to share our ideas and thoughts with the people
who live around the world in order to fulfill our desires and deeds. This is a competitive
world and each and every English language learner wants to improve his/her speaking skills
to sustain in this global market. Moreover, most of the selections in getting jobs depend on
the communication skills of the individuals, especially, their speaking skills. The interviewers
also recognize the talent of the individuals in the form of speaking skills within a short period
of time. The job seekers those who can prove their skills at that particular moment will be
occupying the best places in their career. Moreover, these speaking skills are also useful for
professionals to develop their career. In addition to this, these speaking skills are more useful
for the employees those who are working in business organizations to promote their
businesses. It is also a known fact that excellent, outstanding and inspiring speakers highly
motivate and win the hearts of the audience. As speaking skills play a vital role in many
aspects, there is a need for EFL/ESL learners to concentrate more on them. Furthermore, the
teachers are advised to implement several useful strategies in their classrooms in order to
involve the learners more on learning speaking skills in their English classrooms.
With an ounce of regular practice, it is sure that the ELLs can immensely develop
their speaking skills. Then they can perform well in the classroom discussions and debates
and gradually develop their speaking skills. They will be in a position to give presentations
on their own by leaving all the fears that they had in their minds. With regular practice of
these skills, they can deliver short speeches also in the classrooms. Moreover, they build self-
confidence among themselves and become stronger in decision-making and problem-solving.
The learners can also develop sound business relationships with the other business partners
and promote their businesses well. Furthermore, the ELLs show better performance in their
job interviews so that they will get the best opportunities to settle down well in their career.
They can also work well with their colleagues and try to develop their own career. Therefore,
speaking skills play a pivotal role in developing the ELLs' overall performance.
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 11
Three Kinds of Speaking Situations
Fig: Three Kinds of Speaking Situations
The speakers expressed their opinion in a thoughtful, convincing and passionate way
through speaking skills. There are three kinds of speaking situations such as interactive,
partially-interactive and non-interactive. Telephone calls and face-to-face conversations are
included in interactive speaking situations where speaking and listening are alternatives in
English. In the interactive speaking situations, there will be a chance to ask for repetition,
clarification or request for a slower speech from the conversation partner. Therefore,
interactive speaking situations are more useful situations both for the speaker and the listener
as they can understand the matter without having any further doubts. Whereas in partially
interactive situations, a speech is given to the live audience and the audience does not
interrupt the speaker's speech. In partially interactive conversations, the speaker can directly
see the audience and also judge from their facial expressions and gestures whether the
participants have understood his/her speech or not. Here the audience can clarify their doubts
through the question and answer (Q & A) session that generally takes place at the end of the
speech presentation. On contrary to these two, in non-interactive speaking situations, there
will not be any interaction of the audience where speakers have to just record their speech for
a radio broadcast. In all these situations, speaking is a major problem for the ELLs as it
involves many things and it is not so simple to acquire good speaking skills in a day or two.
Moreover, the ELLs have to do continuous practice and allot more time on speaking skills as
they are quite difficult to acquire without proper practice. Therefore, the best way to improve
the ELLs' speaking skills is by giving more emphasis on practicing the speaking skills both
in and outside the classrooms.
The Advantages of Speaking Skills
Even if there are four other skills in the English language, speaking skills are the most
effective one among them as a majority of communication is done through speech. Therefore,
speaking skills are the most important method of communication. There is no doubt that
Speaking Situations
Interactive Partially
interactive Non-interactive
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 12
proficiency in each skill is necessary to become a well-rounded communicator, but the ability
to speak skillfully provides the speakers with several distinct advantages. The main
advantages of speaking skills are:
To participate actively in pair or group activities in the classrooms.
To give a maiden and impressive speech on different occasions.
To participate actively in debates and group discussions.
To develop critical thinking among the learners.
To pursue higher studies in foreign countries.
To interact with people all around the globe.
To promote the sale of products in the business.
To make living abroad simpler and easier.
To get better employment opportunities.
To make use of the internet effectively.
To perform well in job interviews.
To acquire more knowledge.
To travel to a foreign country.
To do good international business.
To earn high respect in the society.
To give presentations for all purposes.
To communicate effectively with others.
To increase the income of the individual.
To boost up the speakers' self-confidence.
To know the different cultures of the world.
To interact with people all around the globe.
To keep over cognition and reasoning very sharp.
To get better employment opportunities all over the world.
To increase the ability of problem-solving and critical thinking.
To improve the overall development of the speaker's personality.
To highly motivate and attract the customers in buying the products.
Since there are many advantages of speaking skills, the English teachers should
concentrate more on these skills and give the best priority to them as they are very useful for
the overall development of the ELLs' performance. Thus, the teachers have to think of
various techniques and approaches of speaking skills to develop the learners' oral
communication which is the most essential one in this contemporary world.
How to develop Speaking Skills among the ELLs?
In the existing international market, there is a need to showcase the abilities of
people's oral communication skills as the real success of their talent depends on how they
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 13
present their speaking skills and how they convince the others in persuading them. Since
everything depends on motivating and satisfying the listeners, employers, colleagues, co-
learners or customers, speaking skills occupy a major place in all aspects. Therefore, the
EFL/ESL teachers have to understand the present situation in the society and try to impart
these speaking skills among their ELLs by applying the available latest techniques of
teaching speaking skills. In this connection, the teachers have to replace the old-fashioned
methods and approaches with the latest and innovative ones that grab the complete attention
of for the learners to participate actively in these activities that take place in the regular
English classrooms. Moreover, the teachers' burden is reduced when they think positively
about the needs and interests of the ELLs. It is also important that the teachers have to change
their method of teaching i.e. from teacher-centered environment to learner-centered
environment so that the ELLs can get plenty of opportunities to participate in the teaching-
learning activities that go on in the English classrooms. It also leads them to think and work
on their own to complete the given tasks magnificently.
The English teachers have to adopt several techniques to develop the speaking skills
of their learners because some EFL/ESL learners have a deep fear of making mistakes and
some others have just plain shy and this is observed even in the native learners. At this
juncture, English teachers can introduce some fun activities in the form of language games to
get the learners to speak in English classrooms. Generally, most of the learners are interested
in playing games in the classrooms and it is quite common that they ask for more and more
games as they make them happy. When the learners practice these games in a fun
environment, it is sure that they really improve their speaking skills enormously. At the
preliminary stage, the teachers have to introduce fun games like guessing the item that is held
in their wrists. In this connection, the teachers hold something in their wrists and keep the
item as a secret one and the learners have to go on guessing it. Indeed, such types of activities
certainly improve ELLs' speaking skills. As the learners have to just guess the unseen object
and they have their own choice and freedom to express their opinions, they come out with
more options and produce innumerable sentences in a learner-friendly environment.
Therefore, the teachers should introduce such activities in their regular classrooms in order to
involve the ELLS more and improve their speaking skills.
Then the teachers can introduce some activities such as "Speaking about themselves"
by giving their own examples to the classroom. Thus, with the motivation they get from their
teachers, the learners go on speaking about themselves since everything they speak is a fact
that has been already stored in their memory. Then the teachers may extend this activity by
asking the learners to say something about their parents, best books or best friends. Hence,
these activities certainly give a chance to the learners to acquire speaking skills in a pleasant
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 14
The EFL/ESL teachers can also introduce brainstorming technique in their classrooms
as it encourages the ELLs to produce more sentences and also try to think of themselves for
getting new ideas about the topic given to them. In this technique, the leaners have complete
freedom to express any point that is related to the topic. As there is no hard and fast rule in
expressing their ideas, automatically the learners will be motivated a lot and try to produce as
many ideas as possible. Therefore, the ESL/EFL teachers should implement this
brainstorming technique in their classrooms in order to involve the ELLs more in the
activities and to develop their speaking skills unconsciously.
Another activity that is more useful for the ELLs to improve their speaking skills is
introducing role-play activities in the classrooms. Role-plays are the best activities to
introduce in the English classrooms to improve the learners' speaking skills in Englis h during
the second stage. The teachers have to form the learners into pairs and give them different
topics to perform in the classroom. The teachers give ten minutes time for preparation and
later they can ask the learners to accomplish the task. The teachers have to motivate and
inspire the learners while they are getting ready for the task. With proper motivation and
constant encouragement, the learners try to perform the given task well and try to speak
grammatical sentences. The English classrooms will be the best platforms for the ELLs to
improve their speaking skills through role-plays as the learners play the roles related to their
daily life situations that take place in contemporary society.
Activities such as pair or group work also enhance the learners' speaking skills
enormously since the learners get an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas in a
congenial atmosphere. The English teachers have to think of the needs and interests of the
learners while selecting topics for these activities. At this juncture, it is wise to quoteRao S.
P. (2018) who asserts, "While selecting the topics, the teachers have to take into
consideration of the learners' needs and interests that lead the learners to work more on the
given topics with interest and e nthusiasm". Therefore, the teachers have to think more
positively towards learner-centered methods to involve the learners by concentrating more on
the activities related to speaking skills. When learners work in pairs or groups, they work
independently and try to speak more and produce many sentences. This will certainly be
helpful for the ELLs to boost up their confidence levels and inspire them to practice these
speaking skills whenever and wherever they get the opportunity to speak. Therefore, the
teachers have to provide more opportunities for learners to participate actively in pairs or
groups to enhance their speaking skills.
Another activity that the teachers can use in their English classrooms to develop their
ELLs' speaking skills is a story-telling technique. Through this technique, the teachers create
situations and ask the ELLs to continue the story. Then the ELLs think logically and supply
sentences that are relevant to the situation. As the learners have their own choice in giving
responses and selecting the grammatical structures, they try to produce as many sentences as
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 15
possible to complete the story. Moreover, there is no hard and fast rule to eliminate any
points of the children since these stories are purely imaginative, not realistic ones. This
technique encourages all the ELLs to contribute at least one sentence to finish the story
successfully. Therefore, it is the duty of the teachers to encourage their learners to produce as
many sentences as possible so that the learners' oral communication skills, as well as their
power of imagination, will be immensely developed in a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere.
Another technique to improve the speaking skills of the ELLs is to make them listen
to music in English and sing along. Music is considered one of the best tools for learning
intonation and pronunciation. When the song is easy to understand, then listening to and
singing songs also help the learners remember the vocabulary and phrases. Moreover, music
helps the learners learn to pronounce English rhythm in a more natural way. Just by imitating
the singer unconsciously, the learners can learn to pronounce phrases the way the native
speakers do. One of the best songs suitable for the EFL/ESL learners is the song "Tom's
Diner" written by Suzanne Vega where everyday scenes and actions are described by using
simple language. Furthermore, movies also seem to be a much better option for the ELLs to
learn speaking skills in English. By watching movies, the learners get the opportunity to learn
listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, idioms, and slang. Since songs and movies develop the
speaking skills of the learners, the EFL/ESL teachers have to introduce this technique in their
classrooms in order to improve the ELLs' speaking skills.
Speaking skills are very important for learners to sustain in this globally competitive
world. Therefore, the English teachers have to introduce a variety of techniques in their
classrooms by selecting simple and useful material that creates more interest and
attentiveness among the ELLs towards learning speaking skills.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of speaking skills
in English classrooms. First of all, the significance of the basic language skills of English has
been discussed elaborately. Then, the importance of speaking skills in the EFL/ESL
classrooms has been comprehensively explained. Furthermore, the need to teach speaking
skills in the classrooms has been illustrated. Later on, the kinds of speaking situations and the
main advantages of speaking skills have been explained sumptuously. Moreover, some
techniques to develop speaking skills among the EFL/ESL learners in the classrooms have
been thoroughly explained. Finally, the teachers are given some suggestions to improve
speaking skills among the ELLs in the English classrooms. Also, the ELLs are also advised to
follow the guidance of their teachers in order to enhance their speaking skills.
Speaking skills are the most important skills for ELLs as they are very useful for them
in exhibiting their communication skills for various purposes. Hence, the teachers have to
take a special interest in improving the speaking skills of the ELLS. For this purpose, the
teachers have to refer to the latest material related to and try to adopt several techniques and
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 16
approaches to develop the speaking skills of the learners in the English classrooms. The
teachers should also choose appropriate material suitable for the level of the learners.
Moreover, the teachers should encourage the learners to participate in the classroom
discussions where the learners improve their speaking skills tremendously. Also, the learners
have to create situations themselves to speak not only in the classroom but also outside the
classroom. Furthermore, the learners have to follow the instructions of their teachers in
improving their speaking skills. Since the tips given by the teachers benefit the learners, they
have to implement them sincerely to communicate well at all circumstances. Therefore, the
EFL/ESL teachers have to implement different strategies and techniques in their teaching in
order to make their learners proficient in their speaking skills. In this regard, the ELLs have
to put their whole efforts to practice speaking skills and allot more time to such activities in
order to prove themselves in the contemporary world.
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The author, Parupalli Srinivas Rao, has a vast experience of teaching English at various
levels. He has been specialized in ELT and has authored 10 books and published several
research papers related to ELT in various international journals. He has attended several
national and international ELT conferences and also presented some papers in them. He has
also attended many webinars.
He has been on the Editorial board for fifteen well-reputed international journals including
American Research Journal of English and Literature, Literary Endeavour, Research Journal
of English (RJOE), ELT Vibes, International Journal for Technological Research in
Engineering (IJTRE), South Asian Academic Research Journals (SAARJ): ACADEMICIA,
Gyan may Pravah: International E-Journal for Research in Multidisciplinary Subject, Alford
Council of International English and Literature Journal (ACIELJ), Trans Asian Research
Journal (TARJ), Research Guru, International Journal of English and Studies (IJOES),
Shanlax International Journal of English, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research
(JMSCR), Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL) and International Research
Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IRJIET). He has also done several
prestigious projects including a project done for the National Council for Teacher Education
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF) An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal
www.acielj.com Vol-2,Issue-2 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Indexed In: Citefactor Indexing and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and Google Scholar
Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 18
(NCTE), Government of India and another one for King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. He
has attended several in-service training programs in ELT. He has taught English in India, the
Republic of Maldives and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 27 years. At present, he is
working as Lecturer in English at the English Language Centre, King Faisal University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He is very much interested in research activities and preparing
study material for Undergraduate and Master's Degree courses. He is also a member of
ELTAI, the prestigious organization for English language teachers.
The author did his M. A. (English) from Osmania University in 1991. He also completed his
PG Diploma in Teaching English (PGDTE) from CIEFL / EFL University and later he did B.
Ed., M. Ed. and M. Phil. from Osmania University, Hyderabad. In 1999, he did a PG
Diploma in Functional English from Andhra University. He did Cambridge CELTA in
London in the year 2008. He also completed two onsite ELT courses, namely, Pronunciation
for Language Teachers and Teaching Grammar in Context from the University of Edinburgh,
the UK in 2008. At present, he is pursuing his Ph. D. in ELT.
... I lose my concentration gradually in a long-lasting teaching session (2 hours and a half) through Microsoft Teams. 22 12. My knowledge acquisition deteriorates during 2-hour-a-half online teaching period. ...
... Besides, students' attitudes toward e-learning depend on what they perceive as benefits and drawbacks to this educational method. According to Zabadi and Al-Alawi (2016) [22], factors such as endurance, self-awareness, the facility to use soft wares, the good technological ability to manage time affect attitudes of students toward e-learning, so that attitudes can be positive if the new educational method is suitable for students. On the other hand, Bhatia (2011 cited in Zabadi and Al-Alawi) [22] states that the attitudes can be negative if the students are unable to fit into the new system because they do not have the necessary set of traits. ...
... According to Zabadi and Al-Alawi (2016) [22], factors such as endurance, self-awareness, the facility to use soft wares, the good technological ability to manage time affect attitudes of students toward e-learning, so that attitudes can be positive if the new educational method is suitable for students. On the other hand, Bhatia (2011 cited in Zabadi and Al-Alawi) [22] states that the attitudes can be negative if the students are unable to fit into the new system because they do not have the necessary set of traits. ...
AsiaCALL Online Journal (acoj), Online ISSN 1936-9859, is committed to upholding ethical standards, retracting and correcting errors. The editorial team's primary responsibility is to discourage publishing malpractice. Any type of unethical conduct is unacceptable, and this journal's Editorial Team does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. All manuscripts must be the authors' original work and free of indications of plagiarism.
... In order to make it true, the lecturer of speaking had integrated the material to meet the expectations of the millennium era. So, speaking is the most important skill among all the four language skills in order to communicate well in this global world (Srinivas, 2019) Speaking is the 1st talent to be noninheritable within the method of language production. In parallel, the absence of communication apprehension and also the presence of temperament to speak are the essential stipulations for stringing words together. ...
... In order to improve students' outcomes in speaking, a teacher has an important role to achieve it. The teachers have to understand the problems of the ELLs (English language learners) and try to implement various teaching strategies in their classrooms in order to develop their learners' speaking skills in English classrooms (Srinivas, 2019). ...
... The researchers also added that educators should make an effort to ensure that their teaching plans are successful and that students' learning is relevant by using a diversified and mixed-method approach that appeals to the majority of students' learning styles and preferences. Since English is considered a universal language and is spoken all over the world, it is useful for interacting with people who live in various parts of the world, including different regions, states, nations, and continents (Rao, 2019). ...
... Currently, English is being taught in schools as a second language under the Malaysian education system. As such, the prominence of English has had an impact on the acquisition of speaking skills (Rao, 2019). Speaking English is considered difficult because speakers must be proficient in many aspects: including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. ...
... Many things should be considered in speaking. Speaking involves many things (Pimm, 2019;Rao, 2019;van Vlack, 2019) which includes awareness of register, genre, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation (Bigelow & Smith, 2018). Thus, teachers have to find best ways to help students cope with speaking instruction. ...
- Laila Wati
- Siti Maysuroh
- Sri Wahyuni
- Nurul Hindri
This research aims at finding the effectiveness of Toondoo Comic in teaching speaking at the second semester of Sendratasik Study Program of Hamzanwadi University in the academic year 2018-2019. This research was a pre experiment by using single group pre-test and post-test design. The population of the study was 47 students from A and B classes. The sample of the study was 17 students from class A. It was taken through purposive random sampling. A speaking test was used in collecting the data. The data collected were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, and paired sample t-test was used to test the hypothesis. It was performed using SPSS 22 for Windows. The result shows that the mean in the pre-test was 41.06 and was 60.71 in the post- test. Additionally, the hypothesis testing using paired sample t-test resulted significance (2-tailed) value level .000; it was lower than .05. This indicated that Toondoo comic was significantly effective in teaching speaking. Thus it is suggested that Tondoo comic is considered an alternative media in teaching and learning process.
... Besides, the majority of books connected to higher education are also written in English. (Rao, 2019). Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are the four important skills in English. ...
- Viola Putri Syafii
- Ahmad Ridho Rojabi
Grammar is one of the most important aspects as it integrates with four language skills, and it enhances the learners' fluency. However, some students still get difficulty in understanding the grammar patterns and difficulty in composing grammatical sentences. One of the methods that can be implemented in teaching grammar is Video Scribe Sparkol. This study intends to determine whether or not the employment of Video Scribe Sparkol influences students' grammatical skills. This quantitative-experimental research involved the investigation of two classes; experimental and control. The experimental class was given treatment by using Video Scribe Sparkol, while the control class was taught conventionally (without using any media). The experimental class's SPSS data indicated that a pre-test average score was 68.15, and the post-test average score was 83.23. It indicated a highly significant improvement in the experimental class's score. Meanwhile, the average score of the control class's pre-test was 70.96, and their post-test average score was 78.09. As the significance sig. (2 tailed) of the Independent Sample t-test was 0.027 < 0.05, which means that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Thus, there is a significant difference between the average score of the experimental and the control class. The results revealed that Video Scribe has a significant impact on learners' grammar ability, and it can motivate and engage them in grammar activities due to interesting images, animations, and audiovisuals on its features. Thus, further researchers need to investigate the students' motivation toward this method.
... Unlike other skills, speaking skill is more complicated because it involves more than pronouncing words. According to Rao (2019), among the four key language skills, speaking is deemed to be the most important skill in learning a foreign or second language. Masuram and Sripada (2020) stated that by enhancing communication skills, talented students get to exhibit their ideas as well as approaches to spoken English allow them to gain and comprehend information from others, express their perspectives, emotions, viewpoint and to resolve problems and issue. ...
... From all of those, speaking is the most difficult skill to be mastered. English has been really useful for many field including scientific research, education, business, the internet, travel and tourism, media and newspapers, software, medicine, engineering, information and technology, entertainment, banking and etcetera (Rao, 2019). ...
English is an important language to be learned. As an International language, it has become more widely used on all of life aspects. It is no wondering if it has been included on curriculum of education for all levels. TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) is one of the way that mostly used to improve skills of English. Engineering students are required to be proficient in English, but some engineering students who have been educated in English are not necessarily leaving university as professional users of the English language in all its aspects, namely, reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English (Rintaningrum, R., Aldous, C., & Keeves, J. P. 2017). From all of those, speaking is the most difficult skill to be mastered. English has been really useful for many field including scientific research, education, business, the internet, travel and tourism, media and newspapers, software, medicine, engineering, information and technology, entertainment, banking and etcetera(Rao, 2019).
... The study conducted by Renukadevi (2014) stated, "People gain 45% competence from listening, 30% from speaking, 15% from reading and 10% from speaking". Teaching speaking and listening English is not sufficiently practiced in the classroom as these two skills are not tested in the public examinations (Rao, 2019). Teachers mostly emphasize on examination related items to make the students passable in the examination. ...
English is taught continuously from class I to class XII to develop students' communicative competence in English. English has been taught to the students of Bangladesh applying Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach for more than two decades. The study aims at assessing the effectiveness of the application of CLT approach at higher Secondary level. 200 students, 20 teachers from 6 colleges participated in this study. 3 students were also selected for case studies to picture the application process of CLT at higher secondary level. The study applied convenient sampling technique for selecting students and teachers. The study applied mixed method approach in this research. Result reveals that the application of CLT at higher secondary level does not effectively help the students for the further steps of their life. The problem is lying with the teaching methods, classroom practice, teachers and students' perception about CLT and examination system. Incorporation of listening and speaking test in the public examination, modification of teaching trend and change of students and teachers' perception about CLT may make it more effective at higher secondary level.
- Emily John
- Melor Md Yunus
The ubiquitous nature of social media (SM) makes it a very essential tool to use in the world of education, especially with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic which has led to a paradigm shift in the approaches used in the teaching and learning of English language skills. This review focuses on the use of social media as a medium of instruction to aid the acquisition of speaking skills, which many learners find extremely challenging and inhibiting. Thus, this systematic review investigates the integration of social media in the teaching and learning of speaking skills. To ensure the systematic analysis of the selected articles, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines were utilized. A total of 36 peer-reviewed journal articles from the year 2016 to 2021 were accessed from two databases: ERIC and Google Scholar. Prior to the start of the review, an inclusion and exclusion criteria selection process was conducted to ensure the focus of the review. Overall, the articles reviewed presented the claim that the integration of social media is seen as a positive inclusion for the teaching of speaking skills using various social media applications. Findings reveal that there are improvements in speaking skills, as well as confidence to speak and a decline in speaking anxiety. Teachers and educators can now make use of the various social media platforms such as Telegram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and others to provide learners with more practice that is not only restricted to the classroom but has moved beyond it.
To successfully assess how language learners enhance their performance and achieve language learning goals, the four macro skills of listening, speaking reading and writing are usually the most frequently assessed and focused areas. However, speaking, as a productive skill, seems intuitively the most important of all the four language skills because it can distinctly show the correctness and language errors that a language learner makes. Since English speaking tests, in general, aim to evaluate how the learners express their improvement and success in pronunciation and communication, several aspects, especially speaking test formats and pronunciation need to be considered. To enhance Thai learners' English performance and the quality of the speaking tests, this paper has three principal objectives. First, this paper presents English language teaching, as well as teaching English speaking in the Thai context. Then, it highlights the significance of the test format as it is the main tool and indicator for scoring performance and analytic rating methods. Lastly, the paper addresses major problems found in the speaking tests to elucidate certain facts about learners' speaking ability and English instruction in the Thai context. Some pedagogical implications of the study are discussed for learning and teaching speaking to second or foreign language learners.
Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K-8. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998. Print. Iqbal, J. Four language skills
- A L Chaney
- T L Burk
Chaney, A. L., & T. L. Burk. Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K-8. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998. Print. Iqbal, J. Four language skills. Retrieved from http//:writing.colostate.edu/guides/teaching/es, 2012. Online. Harmer, J.The Practice of English Language Teaching. 4th ed. London: Longman, 2007. Print.
Never Work Harder than your Students
- R R Jackson
Jackson, R. R. Never Work Harder than your Students. Alexandria, Virginia: USA, 2009. Print.
Why Are Listening and Speaking Skills Important in Oral Communication
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334283040_THE_IMPORTANCE_OF_SPEAKING_SKILLS_IN_ENGLISH_CLASSROOMS
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