Hp Touchsmart Touch Screen Screen Goes Black When Touching
HP touchsmart 310 pc - screen goes black
hope someone can advise what I need to do.
I have a hp touchmart 310, product # qp749aa #aba with windows 7.
computer emits a loud whistle, then the screen goes black. It will not respond to the keyboard or the mouse, and I have to hold the on/off switch to turn it off. This has happened twice in the last 3 weeks.
not sure if that makes a difference, but one of my fans started to run harder than usual.
Hello 1-donald,.
Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the Forums of HP, I would like to draw your attention to the Guide of the Forums HP first time here? Learn how to publish and more.
I understand your desktop PC HP TouchSmart 310-1126 has frozen twice in the last 3 weeks to force you to reset the computer to get it restarted. I provided you with the HP support document: computer hangs or freezes (Windows 7), which I would like to reference if your computer crashes again. Through this document us can we identify any what software is causing the problem and fix it.
If the document that I provided does not resolve the problem and your computer continues to freeze we could be faced with a hardware problem. To test this I provided you with the HP support document: test of hardware failures (Windows 7, Vista), which will guide you through the steps required to test the equipment on our computer.
After completing the test I suggest you contact HP support for service options.
United States supports Contact link options HP products purchased in the United States.
Outside WE support link to connect with options for HP products purchased outside the United States.
Please re-post if you need further assistance. Thanks for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
HP TouchSmart IQ815 black screen.
I have a TouchSmart IQ815 under XP. Was working fine no problem, then all of a sudden the screen goes black. I tried etc. zero and restart, the screen remains black. I read one of many posts here, so I'll to the basics and explain what I did to get this machine works... with no result.
1. I thought that the video/audio input card has gone wrong... So I replaced it.
2. I thought that the power adapter is bad... So I replaced it.
3. I thought the graphics - Nvidia GeForce 9300ms g card was bad... So I replaced it.
4. I thought that the motherboard was bad... So I replaced it.
About rebuild the machine and all replacements, you would of thought, it would come back to life. However, the screen remains black. The system boots because you can here fans and the tone of the system loading windows. So I know the system won't start just no display. My only other conculusion is that the LCD is dead. Although when you tap the Panel, you can hear the sound of Panel, tick or click so I know screen touchsmart has to some kind of life. I have some other ideas about what might be wrong, but the LCD screen. If I replace that, I might as well buy a new machine. So sad that it was one such machine great.
All is not lost. I took the hard drive out of the TouchSmart and it added a new HP machine I bought last summer that works under windows 7, so I have my data and I can still run programs on the disc.
It would be good to know that if there is a desire for the black screen, otherwise he will be headed for the scrap pile. Maybe I can sell it for parts, which are now all new and old parts, you can ask. I guess the old parts were ok, but then what do I know. All help is greatly appreciated. Best of all for resolving this issue.
I finally brought my HPTouchSmart IQ815 return to the life of the black screen of death. In previous posts, I tried everything... except the HP Display Panel inverter Circuit Board replacement. Now, I replaced the Board of Directors and we're back in business. I ran all the tests in diagnosis of the hardware, and everything works fine.
Those who have replaced the video card and have had no luck in getting your machines to work, maybe you want to check the HP Display Panel inverter Circuit Board. A note on the replacement of this card, make sure you have all of the sleeves of plug. A useful to mention is one very, small that detaches from the Inverter Board and plugs into the motherboard, just above the word "inverter". Its small and easy to forget to plug it in.
I have read of many possible decided on the black screen. My advice is to try all the obvious solutions. I can go to the extreme, replace the motherboard, but when you don't know, you try everything.
Good luck to everyone trying to get their machinery running normally again. Best.
HP Touchsmart 310 1100 HP Screen-No Black logo or whatever it is-just a black screen
I have a HP Touchsmart 310 1100 which when I turn there is only a black screen and I can hear the fans running. No HP logo or guest to enter the bios, just a completely black screen.
I tried:
(1) HP suggested resetting the default bios (http://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c02217843) settings by pressing f10, f5 etc.
(2) remove the hard drive, reinstalling memory, unplug all usb accessories
(3) used another power supply from an another 310 HP
(4) change the jumper on the motherboard from 1-2 to 7-8 and back to 1-2 to clear the cmos memory
I'm about to remove the cooling fan and the unit and re-insert the processor, but I wonder if there is something to try before that.
I'm starting to think it's a bad mother, gpu, or display the power inverter.
It is out of warranty, so if anyone has any advice I would be happy.
This seems to be a problem that has been listed in a dozen other posts without real solution given.
I solved my problem with my 310 - it was the CPU. Replaced with the same model cpu AMD bought on Amazon.
Works fine now.
There is no video card to replace on my model 310. There is a video chip that is soldered to the motherboard.
HP touchsmart 310 screen for 1 second and then black screen
This is ridiculos, I want to say I can't believe I'm seeing, the pc shut down correctly, next day pc started acting, funny, when turn on, displasy bios screen for a second then goes black forever, trying to solve the problems he me i remove the cmos battery, it does not display black screen just after inserting the cmos battery same problem occurs , pls I need help facilitating the sky of my client a date limit and it's killing time of y. HP pls help...
to make the light on the screen?
HP x 360 310 n3530 g1: black screen after startup
I just bought n3530 g1 310 hp x 360 and upgraded to windows 10. I have a weird question. Since the whenewer then I computer shutdown and boot it up I have black screen. I have to press the power button / stop to put it in standby mode. So I have to tap it again and after the awakening of the screen lights up and I can connect. What is more interesting, does not happen if I restart the system. Then everything works fine. Any ideas?
HI Marqueee,
Try this link to third parties for a solution. This a common problem after upgrade Windows 10.
Envy Touchsmart Windows 8.1 update 15-j05cl - black screen
Have a HP Touchsmart, envy 15-j057cl. I can't upgrade to Windows 8.1. I did the following:
1 installed all windows updates.
2 went to HP support for machine page and installed all the drivers.
3. don't run Windows - no problem identified compatibility Manager.
4 deleted Norton preinstaled. No antivirus software is enabled.
5. attempt to update the Windows store.
6. black screen.
Back in Windows 8. Windows has reported various attempts through error messages, including:
0xc1900101 - 0x3000D
1. drivers for bluetooth and Ralink wifi disabled
2 attempt 8.1 windows update of windows store
3 black Screen
Back in windows 8
I tried very hard to make sure I've gotten all the latest drivers and BIOS, including the chipset drivers. I have not installed any other software. I also disabled any driver that I can not have everything while the update fails.
I need to get back to work. Any thoughts?
Thank you...
The saga continued, but it had a happy ending.
On the advice of the HP support, I uninstalled the driver Intel HD, booted safe mode and then tried the Windows 8.1 update. This time the update completed, but he returned to the black screen when I tried to install version 8.1 of Intel HD display driver. At this time, of course, it wasn't able to go back to Windows 8.0, so I had to completely reinstall the operating system from scratch. Good thing, I had all my saved data.
After this experience, I gave up for a while, but he contacted the HP support to express my displeasure. I went to a case manager, who contacted me the HP SmartFriend support.
Today, we did an update of the BIOS. This new version of the BIOS F.53, just released on March 10, 2014 (after I had made my last attempt to make the update). After updating the BIOS, I have successfully completed update 8.1 Win. I then checked to make sure I had the latest version of the Intel HD Display Adapter driver and I did. Actually, the pilot that is displayed on the page for the driver for my machine was older than the version I have installed. So far so good.
It seems that the solution to the problem was for HP to do a BIOS update.
HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-b100: "Press the ESC key" black screen TouchSmart 15-b100sa
I'm helping a friend with his computer because his son decided to play with it and now it is unclear what steps it took to create this problem.
Initially, he asks a password on a black screen before opening the BIOS screen.
Someone in this forum helped me with this problem and told me to try a code which worked perfectly.
After that, I get a black screen that repeated me "press ESC for Boot Menu".
If I press this button, a message appears saying "ESC...". Starting break"and stays there for about 2 minutes, which I think it's a lot of time to open the start menu to enter the BIOS and change the settings.
Does anyone have any idea of what's going on?
The computer is a HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-b100sa Sleekbook
I would appreciate if someone could help with this problem.
Thank you
Hi @jc4 ,
Thank you for visiting the Forums HP's Support and welcome. I looked in your question about your HP Pavilion TouchSmart Sleekbook 15-b100 and issues with maybe an update. I recommend to restore the default BIOS settings. You could restore the BIOS with this document by selecting the reload the default BIOS settings.
Note Remove all USB devices. Disconnect all devices of non-essential, as these can cause some problems.
You can do a System Restore. System Restore will help if something is automatically updated and wasn't on the laptop.
When running a system restore note remove all USB devices. Disconnect all non-essential devices because they can cause problems.
Here is a link to computer won't start for Windows 8, if you need it.
Please let me know how it goes.
Thank you.
HP Touchsmart IQ770 Desktop, black screen
Need help please, old 18 months IQ770, I turned on this morning and have a completely black screen. Blue indicator light is here and will fan but nothing else. There is a beep when I touch the screen, but nothing works. Anyone out there who can help me.
Want to thank you millions.
I did exactly as said and boy these all-in-one... I swear that every engineer has designed this crap should get shot.
AAAAnyway brought back my gfs Touchsmart IQ775 back to life thanks to your advice.
Took the $% # ^ tried reflow it, video card... eventually burn LOL.
Changed the cable microphone vga LVDS # 1 to LVDS #2... and Bravo.
I was able to install windows 8.1 then and now everything seems to work perfectly until now.
Thanks comrade. Its been years that I've been in these forums, because I stopped using HP for this reason along with their products and the horrible customer service. Just to let you know.
Peace out!
New Hp pavilion touchsmart shows a black screen after login
I just bought a new Hp pavilion computer printer portable all-in-one laptop / tablet that runs windows 8. It worked perfectly well until now.
The laptop starts fine, the hp displayed logo and the login screen is displayed. After that I entered the password, it begins to load but then becomes just a black screen. My cursor is visible, but nothing else happens.
I restarted the laptop several times. Help, please. Thank you.
Hi all
Please use F11, press it all right after the startup of the device. Press several times to ensure that you access the Recovery Manager.
Then, when you're there, select the language in the first screen and then "troubleshooting." Then select advanced options. In this menu, select System Restore, to restore your system to a date before the show began.
In case you have no restore points, in the section "Troubleshooting" menu, select "System Refresh", it reinstalls the system without erasing your data.
In which case you can start in safe mode, try to search for a program called "SearchProtect" and if you find it, try to uninstall it.
Let me know the results of the above suggestions.
Thank you
HP's envy touchsmart m7 sleekbook black screen when turned on
Bought this laptop 30 days ago... Worked very well. Get to market. signed on-screen says something like "Service Manager" not embedded correctly then closed on the black screen. No matter what I do... all I get... black screen. Now, it is closed! Help!
I am running windows 8.1. My problem has been resolved as a result of my own research.
Black screen when starting up - Falied Windows Update November 11, 2014
I did the updates of Microsoft Windows, using Windows Update, published Tuesday, November 11 for my HP Touchsmart spectrum 15-400ea. He has since a reboot is a sunsequently could not start and I get a black screen. No attempt to start 'blind' in BIOS worked - all components are workign except the screen.
I tried to restore the hard drive using desktop imy PC and then things went really wrong. get nothing on the screen while all components appear to be working properly
I'm sorry that I post back. I was given an offer too good to refuse services HP customer. They accepted the Ultrabook returned as a RTB at their expense, and when I came back, it was in full working order, although costs in Factory mode. Fortunately, all the important things I have are on the cloud then I lose nothing of note.
I would like to thank HP for do this, even though it was out of warranty, and the Ultrabook does not glitched at all since I got back.
Black screen persists after the recent update of the BIOS
ENVY of HP TouchSmart M7-J010DX
I recently received an update through HP who instructed me to update my BIOS, I did. Now, after I turn on my machine, I don't see is a black screen. The power light is on and the fan seems to work (I can feel the warmth of the event). I have a pretty good feeling that this recent BIOS update may have done something that has caused this, and I would like to cancel the updates to the BIOS, if possible.
I looked at and tried everything what I found on this page of the site of troubleshooting HP, except for the part of memory modules as I did of the latest changes to the memory modules. None of these suggestions helped with the black screen problem.
The machine was reconditioned at the factory, and I've had it for about a month, but began to use it recently. The only changes I have made are on the HARD drive: I recently picked up a new SSD, added to the machine and makes the HARD drive, the machine came with a secondary drive (after wiping). Everything worked perfectly well until the update to the BIOS.
I don't know what else I should do/try at this point.
Any suggestions?
Hello Mrstenter and thank you for your response.
Unfortunately, I saw this page, you suggested before posting, tried and it doesn't work.
As a matter of fact, I had to return to HP for repair the machine. Following the conversation with a technical support engineer, we agreed that the problem is the update of the BIOS HP pushed out.
In short, the update of the BIOS HP pushed to brick my machine, and I had to send to HP to have restored it I couldn't find anything else to deal with the update of the BIOS on my own.
I appreciate your attempt to address the issue, however. I hope your solution helps others, but he couldn't help me.
HP ENVY 23-d260qd: black screen
I bought all in one computer / 9/23, 2013.
I got the black screen last week. I tried everything I can do to troubleshooting. BIOS too.
My pc is turned on / fan works / no beep sounds.
I want to try to connect with the other monitor, but my pc doesn't have a port.
How can I connect another monitor.
And also. where can I get needed services? My zip code is 22153.
PS: I've tried USB graphic adapter, but it need to install cd.
It is impossible because the monitor is dead...
Hi there @golila
Welcome to the Forums of HP Support! It's a good place to find the help you need, so many other users, the HP experts and other members of the support staff. I understand that the display on your all-in-one is black at startup, and you tried to connect an external display. I'm happy to help you.
Now, I can certainly understand your frustration because of the circular nature of the problem. I would say that first of all concentrate on the main display. I realize, you've probably already tried this, but just in case where to navigate on this page:
HP and Compaq all-in-One and HP TouchSmart desktop PC - screen is blank after you start the computer
If you do not answer on the main screen, then you are pretty much left with a repair option, because you can't work without loading the drivers of the external USB adapter. So if you want to check your repair options, please use the following http://www.hp.com/contacthp and create a folder for your question and contact HP. If you do not live in the United States / Canada, please click on the link below to get contact information for your region.
Difficulty for nvlddmkm.sys Black Screen Of Death
I think I finally found a solution for the black screen of death bugs nviddmkm.sys and all the latest drivers Nvidia. It works on my IQ816 with NVIDIA 9600GS, this should work for most TouchSmarts who have black screens randomly.
It is a free utility called RivaTuner which works with Nvidia cards. You can get it here:
Follow these steps:
Install Rivatuner.
Click OK when it gives you the box of not being a supported card or whatever.
On the screen that appears, click on the small icon next to customize it's under the driver settings in the middle of the screen. Then click on the map icon. It looks like a video card and should be the first icon on the left.
On the screen of the base clock, click the check box at the top to allow. Click on detect when he asks. The value of the drop-down list on the right to 3D. Then set the clock of kernel to 550 or as close as you can get to it. I had 551.
You can check start with Windows or to wait and see if it is correct, and then return to the screen and check start with Windows. Who will ensure that the setting will stay all the time. Otherwise, it is just to the original settings.
Click OK. And it should be.
If you need help, watch the video tutorial about it here:
So far, since I did that, no black screen at random death. So this can be.
I am pleased to announce, this was the solution for my plant video. I got not a single accident because I did. RivaTuner saved. My pc works perfectly now.
Hp Touchsmart Touch Screen Screen Goes Black When Touching
Source: https://www.eehelp.com/question/hp-touchsmart-310-black-screen/
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